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   A Timeline History of Luking Library


The library room was located in the building "靜宜大樓" of former campus on Fuhsing Road, Taichung.


A library was built and named "Luking Library" to commemorate the founder of the school - Mother Marie Gratia Luking.


The "Introduction to Library Science" was taught as a compulsory course to first-year students.


A "Music Appreciation Room" was established and opened on December 22.


Moved to the new Shalu campus and officially opened on March 14.


Set up the first integrated library automation system.


Reorgainized into six departments and one center: the acquisition, cataloging, reference, periodicals, circulation, computer systems and audio-visual centers.


The audio-visual center was relocated to the newly built Anthony Kuo Hall with new added studio and more professional equipment.

"Library-use instruction" was modified to 2 credits course "Library instruction and information".  The instructor was reassigned as a full-time lecturer to "General Education Center - Humanities".


The "Art Center" was added to the organization.


Set up the second library automation system—Transtech T2.


 Got ISO 9001:2000 certified.


Groundbreaking ceremony for the library expansion project on March 5.


Adopt the library's "Collection Development Policy".


On March 22, the inauguration ceremony for the expansion of the Luking Library.

On April 7, the audio-visual materials was moved into the second floor of the library, and was officially named "e-Learning Center".


On November 24, the University Archives was opened with a consecration ceremony.


On April 1, the electronic resource integration system- SmartWeaver launched.


On August 1, Director Sister Celeste Tsia retired, and Vice President Professor Wen-Kuang Chou served as concurrent director.


On July 11, the new library automation system co-developed with Hyweb Technology was officially launched.

Siince September 1st, the Audio-Visual Center moved back to the second floor of the library to continue providing services.

On October 20, the renovation of the information literacy classroom on the fourth floor was completed.


On July 24, a "Paperless Area"  for e-books reading was set up in the Reference Room.

Director Wen-Kuang Chou resigned on August 1, and Associate Professor Ming-Road Chen took the position.

Since August 1st,  the departments of acquisition and cataloging were merged into the "Collection Development".

In December, a space renovation project was launched.


In December, the space renovation of "Luking Study Cornor" on the first to fourth floors was completed.


In March, the renovation of the Reading Salon and new discussion rooms on the 3rd floor was completed.

In September, "Wensi Clinic" (writing center) moved into the first floor, and the space renovation was completed.

In October,  awarded the title 2015 "Top Ten Must-Visit Libraries" in Taiwan . This voting was organized by the Library Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) , LAROC .


In February, IFLA passed the registeration of "1001 Libraries to see before you died".

In September, the space renovation of the periodical room on the B1 floor was completed.


In March, the space renovation of the learning commons from the 3rd floor to the 6th floor was completed.


In August, organization was reformed to Collection Development, Knowledge services , Collection and Circulation, Innovation and Integration Learning Services and the Art Center.


Director Ming-Road Chen resigned on August 1, and Professor Yu-Shun Pong  took the position.


On August 1st, Professor Yu-Shun Pong officially stepped down from her position as Library Director. 
Professor Wen-Cheng Huang from the Department of Taiwanese Literature assumes the role of Library Director.