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   Primary Resources


A free website designed to help people learn English online. Online resources and social network for learners and teachers of English worldwide. Everything from lessons, forums, games and quizzes to blogs, videos and audio. Lessonplans and advice for teachers.

VOA Learning Englilsh

An English learning website established by the Voice of America radio station.

BBC Learning English

BBC Learning English has been teaching English to global audiences since 1943, offering free audio, video and text materials to learners around the world.

New York Times Learning Network

A site that helps educators and students teach and learn with The New York Times

British Council Learn English

Learn English online and improve your skills through the British Council's high-quality courses and resources.

   Test Preparation

Easytest online learning and testing platform

(for PU students, faculty, and staff only)

Providing TOEIC, iBT, IELTS ... etc. , simulation tests 


Providing Cambridge ESOL Exams five levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice tests.

GEPT The General English Proficiency Test 

The GEPT promotes a balanced English learning process, covering the four language skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking with the goal of improving the general English proficiency level of Taiwanese learners.

NEW TOEIC test preparation course

(For PU students, faculty, and staff only)

In response to the New TOEIC in March 2018,  the course content includes new listening question types "Three-person Conversation", charts, and new reading question types "Sentence Insertion Questions", multiple readings, etc.


EBSCOHost Newspaper Source
Spanish newspaper full-text database

(For faculty and students of PU only)

           Included in total include The Christian Science Monitor(The Christian Science Monitor), washington daily(The Washington Post), USA Today(USA Today)....the full text of 260 various newspapers and periodicals.           

ICRT (International Community Radio Taipei)

           ICRT The anchor will analyze and explain the common usage, special words and common phrases in news English in paragraphs.           

The New York Times 2025 New Database
(For P.U. students, faculty, and staff only)
How to Activating your Access

    The New York Times (NYT)is an American daily newspaper based in New York City. The New York Times covers domestic, national, and international news, and publishes opinion pieces, investigative reports, and reviews           


    Including American culture, life, politics, news issues, the wording is not as stiff as news English.    

Taipei Times


Taiwan News English Taiwan Daily


Studio Classroom - Advanced 

Common Wealth Magazine

Let's talk in English 

National Geographic 

Reader's Digest 

Studio Classroom 

Taiwan Panorama

Time Magazine

   Listening and Speaking/Business English


Choose from 600 lessons and courses covering essential business English language and skills.


ELLLO has over 3,000 free listening lessons for all levels! Most lessons have audio or video, a transcript, vocab support and interactive quizzes.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab has been providing online English listening comprehension activities for ESL and EFL learners since 1998.


Practice speaking English with conversations that use most important English expressions, idioms, and slang.


Global elites used their creativity in 18 minutes to give wonderful speeches. Let's learn english with Ted talks.


Britannica Online Academic Edition

Cambridge Dictionaries Online


Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 

Oxford Reference Online