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Library has specially set up two types of lockers, "combination lock" and "open" lockers, for our patrons to temporarily store their personal belongings free of charge.


Service for: Library patrons.



Open locker 1F storage lockers area
Combination lock locker

1F storage lockers area
5F-9F Entrance 




Note :

  1.  It is the user’s responsibility to remember locker number and combination. A NT$20 fine would be charged to pay the unlocking fee.
  2. Do not leave materials overnight, you should clean up the locker 30 minutes before library closing time. Lockers not cleaned out will be subject to removal of all belongings. ay. Anyone who fails to comply with this rule will be fined each timeNew Taiwan DollarFor NT$20, the library can remove items from the cabinet during routine inspections, and no objection will be raised to those who violate the rules.
  3. If the objects cleared from the locker were not claimed in 3 days would be disposed of.
  4. Food and drinks are found out during our daily check, will be treated as waste.
  5. Dangerous items are not allowed to be stored in lockers. Please carry valuables and cash with you.



Contact:Collection and Circulation
Phone:11651 (Ext.)